The Guardian, Cinderella
“This show bounds along and by the end the young crowd – like Cinderella, have had a ball.”
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE
The Times, Beauty & the Beast
“Perfect, Proper Panto.”
To check out Ben’s Beauty & the Beast Script CLICK HERE
The Daily Telegraph, Dick Whittington & His Cat
“Absolutely delightful panto, put together with wit and verve by Ben Crocker”
To check out Ben’s Dick Whittington & His Cat Script CLICK HERE
The Daily Telegraph, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
“The show that still, I think, wins the prize as the sweetest in the land… It’s as if all the elements this bastardised genre requires to go with a swing are lined up and given a rigorous inspection to see what would best go where: there must be room for local children who’ve got the necessary theatrical vim and verve; music and song, too – but not so as the action drags; cross-dressing without gross vulgarity taking hold; jokes everyone can get; and of course surprises in generous measure.”
To check out Ben’s Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Script CLICK HERE
The Stage, on Chipping Norton Theatre’s 40th Anniversary Production of Cinderella
“A mixture of likable performances and new ideas make Cinderella energetic, inventive fun. This year’s pantomime is a triumphant production for a significant anniversary.”
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE
The Daily Telegraph, Beauty & the Beast
“This Beast is a real beauty… One of the most rejuvenatingly good-natured pantos anywhere in the country.”
To check out Ben’s Beauty & the Beast Script CLICK HERE

The Stage, Sleeping Beauty
“All the ingredients for a jolly good panto romp are chucked into the mix… a rollicking good laugh from start to finish had the adults wiping tears of laughter from their eyes.”
To check out Ben’s Sleeping Beauty Script CLICK HERE
Express and Echo, Aladdin – Relevant link(s) – Aladdin Script
“This is a show to be enjoyed by all ages, with enough hearty laughs to lighten anyone’s winter evenings.”
To check out Ben’s Aladdin Script CLICK HERE
Gloucestshire Echo, Jack and the Beanstalk
“This re-telling of the classic children’s favourite is fresh enough to keep even the grandparents interested, and they have been familiar with the story for longer than they care to remember. The grandfather next to us enjoyed the jokes for the children and the guffaws to be had for the adult audience present and the classic sea-side slapstick which makes this peculiar British phenomenon such a kick.”
To check out Ben’s Jack and the Beanstalk Script CLICK HERE
The Coast, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Camelot the Panto
“Every year at this time, Theatre Arts Guild pulls out all the stops with its family pantomime. The shows are consistently delightful, filled with music, comedy and with plenty of opportunity for audience participation. This year’s offering, Camelot the Panto, may well be my favourite of the many pantos I’ve seen at TAG… The pace is perfect and the actors ham it up at just the perfect level. Children will love this show, but it’s also the kind of show that brings out the “kid” in adults. And isn’t that just what we’re searching for at Christmas time?”
To check out Ben’s Camelot the Panto Script CLICK HERE
Oxford Times, Beauty & the Beast
“What really sets this pantomime apart is the quality of Ben Crocker’s script… Make no mistake, any theatre in the land would be proud to stage this top quality show.”
To check out Ben’s Beauty & the Beast Script CLICK HERE
This is Gloucestershire, Aladdin
“Aladdin’s strength is that it whizzes along at a brisk pace, tells a traditional story with just enough music and slapstick, but doesn’t overdo the knowing winks to the audience… it’s hard to see how the evening could have been improved – the cast seem to have as much fun as the audience, with children really getting into the spirit of it – dancing in the aisles…”
To check out Ben’s Aladdin Script CLICK HERE

The Times, Dick Whittington & His Cat
“A glance around at the children – their faces truly shining, eyes wide and mouths open – illustrates the delight that pantomime still provides.”
To check out Ben’s Dick Whittington & His Cat Script CLICK HERE
Banbury Guardian, Beauty & the Beast
“Beauty and the Beast has something for everyone – it is touching, scary, funny, engaging and an awful lot of fun.”
To check out Ben’s Beauty & the Beast Script CLICK HERE
AS Magazine, Jack and the Beanstalk
“This new version of Jack and the Beanstalk by Ben Crocker, whilst keeping the traditional story, has a good modern feel to it, with good principal parts and plenty of Chorus work. All the parts appear throughout and there is a lot of one-line dialogue, which should keep it moving at a great pace… There is excellent comedy for all parts, and they are all of more or less the same size, which makes Jack and the Beanstalk an excellent choice.”
To check out Ben’s Jack and the Beanstalk Script CLICK HERE
Richard Bond, AS Magazine, Sleeping Beauty
“This is a pantomime which will be enjoyed by cast and audience alike and one that I would recommend, both as a Dame and as a Director.”
To check out Ben’s Sleeping Beauty Script CLICK HERE
British Theatre Guide, Beauty & the Beast
“Wittily written by Ben Crocker… What an absolute joy it was – a good wholesome traditional show that was simply great fun for all the family.”
To check out Ben’s Beauty & the Beast Script CLICK HERE
The Daily Telegraph, contrasting Robinson Crusoe and the Carribean Pirates at Birmingham Hippodrome, with Ben’s Cinderella at The Theatre, Chipping Norton
"Lovelier by far is this year’s panto at the delightful Chipping Norton Theatre, nearest playhouse to the PM’s rural retreat and constituency home. Ben Crocker’s script for Cinderella (four stars), as directed by John Terry (no, not that one), isn’t averse to double entendres, and the two ugly sisters, wielding wee-spraying toy dogs (this year’s must-have panto accessory), could hardly look more butch in drag.
Yet there’s a warmth about this production, exemplified by the decision to relocate the story to Venice and introduce specially composed music, ranging from rock to opera pastiche, that makes it at once imaginatively rich and suitable for, well, children. And that’s the point, isn’t it? Or am I missing something?”
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE

Express and Echo, Dick Whittington & His Cat
“Opening Night saw a packed house witness a ripped up, revamped panto stalwart: this production is a riot of colourful costumes, brilliant banter and a stage load of slapstick.”
To check out Ben’s Dick Whittington & His Cat Script CLICK HERE
Cotswold Journal, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
“Following the story of Ali Baba and his quest to free his beloved Safiya, the tale unfolds with comic songs and a hilarious script, featuring plenty of opportunities to boo and hiss… A must-see this Christmas.”
To check out Ben’s Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Script CLICK HERE
AS Magazine on Ben’s collection of pantomime scripts
“Discover a topsy turvy world where traditional pantomime has been lovingly re-invented by the wittiest and most inventive writer working in pantomime today.”
To check out Ben’s Panto Scripts CLICK HERE
Evesham Journal, Jack and the Beanstalk
“Everyone associates pantos with children, but while Jack and the Beanstalk – this year’s seasonal offering at The Roses in Tewkesbury – had eager youngsters dancing with delight at the front of the auditorium, I can’t believe there were many adults in the audience who didn’t thoroughly enjoy it too. Writer and director Ben Crocker has produced a very well scripted and highly amusing show.”
To check out Ben’s Jack and the Beanstalk Script CLICK HERE