“I just wanted to let you know that having just directed and produced Camelot it went down a storm. Great reviews from our audiences, everyone enjoyed all the rehearsals and performing it was great. It was easy to stage which is important for us as we have very limited facilities. We even managed the challenge of the disappearing bed. Highlights to mention are the lovely cameo parts, especially the talking clock which was a real hit.”
- Jo McBrearty, Totternhoe Players
To check out Ben’s Camelot The Panto Script CLICK HERE
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your script is brilliant, the audience loved it. So many compliments on the writing! I knew it was a winner, just pleased the audience thought so too.”
- Karen Dawson, Director, Cinderella, The Secret Panto Society Pibrac , France
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE
“We’ve had a whale of a time with Puss in Boots, thank you so much! Our audiences thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We’ve had masses of compliments (the sort that come from people going out of their way to talk to us)… I was stopped twice today by people saying it was the best Panto they’d ever seen; professional or otherwise. Could barely get my swollen head through my front door after that.”
- Nicola Jackman, Director, Puss in Boots, Kimpton Players
To check out Ben’s Puss in Boots Script CLICK HERE
“We have had some amazing performances so far – with a few standing ovations! Audience thoroughly enjoying things. Thank you! Had such good feedback from audiences about Jack – you write in such a pacey way – and the audiences love that. Also, the music choices worked really well – everyone and I mean – EVERYONE – only had good things to say about it!”
- Sharon Rother, Director of Jack and the Beanstalk, Port Elizabeth Musical and Dramatic Society, South Africa
To check out Ben’s Jack and the Beanstalk Script CLICK HERE
“All went wonderfully well, we had full houses each night with some waiting for seats if anyone didn’t turn up. We have had some lovely comments and everyone agreed it was a super script. So “Thank You” so much for the script.”
- Mike Derry, Producer, Aladdin. Hawkshead and District Stage Society
To check out Ben’s Aladdin Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE
“Our opening night was a storm, standing ovation and we have had, are still having, a heap of fun with it.”
- Chris Hulatt, Director, Puss in Boots, St Michael’s Players Chiswick
To check out Ben’s Puss in Boots Script CLICK HERE
“The curtain is now down on Sleeping Beauty, and it’s been acclaimed as the best panto we’ve done. We certainly had our best ever audience figures in the 28 years of our existence.”
- David Sedgwick, Chairman, Abbey Players, Nuneaton
To check out Ben’s Sleeping Beauty Script CLICK HERE

“The show was a great success with tickets selling out for all the nights. Both the cast and the audience were really impressed with your script. I think we had as much enjoyment out of rehearsing it as the audience did when watching it!”
- Mike Derry, Producer, Aladdin. Hawkshead and District Stage Society
To check out Ben’s Aladdin Script CLICK HERE
“I always knew it was an excellent script, but getting those audience responses the whole cast now realise just how good it is.”
- Denise Rosewell, Director, Ali Baba. Easton Players
To check out Ben’s Ali Baba Script CLICK HERE
“We have used Ben Crocker scripts at Llandrindod Wells Theatre Company for the past two years, we have decided that we are DEFINITELY going to use another this year! What more can I say? Full houses, howls of laughter from the youngest in the audience to the oldest, and the cast thoroughly enjoying themselves playing out the modern style parts. As a producer, it is a great relief to set out with a script that I know will work well in front of a live audience.”
- Phillip Evans, Llandrindod Wells Theatre Company
To check out Ben’s Panto Scripts CLICK HERE
“Camelot the Panto went down very well with our audiences and we had an absolute ball with your fabulous script. We have raised well over £2000 for our local swimming pool which is the charity we support. In fact all went so swimmingly (sorry, awful pun!) that I’ve been charged with the task of finding a suitable script for next year.”
- Christine Bonner, Salcombe Players
To check out Ben’s Camelot the Panto Script CLICK HERE
“Just finished our run of Sleeping Beauty. We loved doing it and got some amazing feed-back – generally that it was our best one yet!”
- Sue Lumley, Panto in Perranporth Society
To check out Ben’s Sleeping Beauty Script CLICK HERE
“Thank you for your wonderful Aladdin script. We had a fabulous run with every show sold out. Comments that I heard around me were what a wonderful show and it just skipped along, which it did. I was very pleased with the whole of my cast and crew who brought your script to life. There was never a dull moment and the washing machine scene was brilliant as I knew it would be.”
- Jan Leslie, Nanaimo Theatre Group, Canada
To check out Ben’s Aladdin Script CLICK HERE
“Just to say thanks for writing such a super script – it went down very well with cast and audience alike and for the first time ever (and we have been going for 44 years) we had a standing ovation on the Saturday night!”
- Val Vella, The Clevedon Comedy Club on Sleeping Beauty
To check out Ben’s Sleeping Beauty Script CLICK HERE

“We had such a grand time with Ali Baba. For the first time ever I got truly emotional at the end of our 8 performance run. Your script was fabulous and we will definitely be visiting your panto list again… Every cast and chorus member loved the script and the Yessah – Nossah scene will make me giggle for years to come.”
- Sheenah Taylor, Chair, Saltburn ’53 Drama Group
To check out Ben’s Ali Baba Script CLICK HERE
“We have had great fun rehearsing and performing your script – final shows today. The reactions and comments from our audiences have been fantastic thus far. Comments have been along the lines of it being the best pantomime people have seen in a long time. So thank you!”
- Gavin Love, Buckingham Community Pantomime
To check out Ben’s Panto Scripts CLICK HERE
“Just wanted to say how well your panto went in the far environs of Herne Bay Little Theatre. The cast thoroughly enjoyed performing it and the audience loved it, many were overheard to say it was the best one they had ever been to – high praise indeed!!!”
- Shelagh Scarborough, for Playmakers, Herne Bay Little Theatre on Camelot the Panto
To check out Ben’s Camelot the Panto Script CLICK HERE
“Wow – Ali Baba went really well this weekend and everyone thought it was hilarious and many commented on what a good script it was. It has inspired a whole new (younger) generation to continue our Thespian group so thank you very much!”
- Tina Foulser, Therfield Thespians
To check out Ben’s Ali Baba Script CLICK HERE
“We had so much fun and all felt that your script was spot on. My ears are still ringing from the huge balloons in the chest enhancer going off like a double barrelled shot gun! Pantomime is so satisfying to do and we had a brilliant cast.”
- James Ireland, for St Columba’s Drama Society on Cinderella
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE
“The panto was a huge success, the story was great and the audience really got involved… I’ve had some fantastic feedback, so really pleased, thank you.”
- Jody Chesterton, for Faces Arts on Snow White
To check out Ben’s Snow White Script CLICK HERE
“Our production of CAMELOT THE PANTO is over. It was a fantastic run. Everyone had a blast doing this show and the audiences loved it. Thank you so much for such a quality script. It was a pleasure to direct.”
- Randy Muise, for Th’YARC Playhouse, Nova Scotia
To check out Ben’s Camelot the Panto Script CLICK HERE

“I am delighted to advise that the script went down well with cast and audience alike, with many saying it was one of the funniest we have performed (particularly the tree!)”
- Steve Oakes, Colnbrook Amateur Stage Theatre, on Jack and the Beanstalk
To check out Ben’s Jack and the Beanstalk Script CLICK HERE
“Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs was an absolute delight to perform. Ben has written this script with a view of allowing companies to add their own interpretations to the story to suit their needs. It is also ideal for those with youngsters in their group to use them to play the dwarfs, as we did. We played to full houses every night and received excellent reviews from the public. We have since been awarded the Somerset Fellowship of Drama Spotlight Shield for the Best Small Stage Pantomime.”
- Anne & Patrick Allen, Coastline Players
To check out Ben’s Snow White Script CLICK HERE
“We performed Ben’s “Camelot the Panto” this year, the first time that our Drama Group has used a script of Ben’s and I was the director. I must say that we were absolutely delighted the whole way through with everything Ben did. The script was very funny with some great “business” to guarantee enjoyment for all. The length of the panto was perfect, not being too long like so many others. And Ben was always there to engage with so that we felt we were really dealing with a real person who even took the time and effort to send us a “Break a Leg” card. I would highly recommend Ben’s scripts to any theatre considering a pantomime.”
- Christoph Kuhle, Winterslow Drama Group
To check out Ben’s Camelot the Panto Script CLICK HERE
“We have had an amazing week putting on your panto and our audiences have really enjoyed it….we got an excellent review in the local paper and it really couldn’t have gone any better. We shall certainly be looking at your other pantos for next year! Watch this space! And thanks again ….you have been brilliant….oh yes you have!!”
- Susan Davies for Greenbrook Pantomime Society, Sleeping Beauty
To check out Ben’s Sleeping Beauty Script CLICK HERE
“I just wanted to write to you to say a huge thank you for Beauty and The Beast. We had a special cheer just for you on the last night. I’ve never worked with such a perfect script. It made directing and acting so much easier. Whenever the cast would ask about “motivation” type things I’d say “Read the script. It’s all in there”. In the past I admit to having hacked scripts around to make the story coherent and axe the awful jokes but with yours I was very protective. I trusted it. When the audience said things like “It zipped along” “We laughed so much” and “First time I’ve really understood the story” I say – Thanks to Ben”.
- Sue Harrison, Northmoor Players
To check out Ben’s Beauty & the Beast Script CLICK HERE
“Thank you so much for the card the cast really appreciated it. We had a fantastic first night, the script is brilliantly written and audiences laughed from beginning to end.”
- Fay Churchill, Head of Performing Arts, Teign School
To check out Ben’s Panto Scripts CLICK HERE

“This is a short message to let you know Sleeping Beauty, which was performed last week, was a great success. My principal is now insisting we do another show next year rather than leaving it for two years which is our normal custom. I wrote in a scene where the visit to dreamland included a dream visit to the South Pacific. In this way we were able to include our Maori, Samoan and Cook Island cultural groups. Pantomime is not performed very frequently in N.Z. but the audience certainly enjoyed the opportunities to participate and the humour in pantomime is, of course universal. If you have another pantomime you think would be particularly suitable for us please let me know.”
- Grant Lloyd, Teacher, The Bruce McLaren School, New Zealand, Sleeping Beauty
To check out Ben’s Sleeping Beauty Script CLICK HERE
“The cast of Camelot unanimously agrees it was the best script ever – better even than the ones I wrote……I may speak to them again one day!”
- Lesley Syme, Killin Drama Club
To check out Ben’s Camelot the Panto Script CLICK HERE
“The cast loved the script and we had fun trying to work out how we would produce it, particularly scene 8 as the village hall we use does rather constrain what we can do. We managed it though and the audience loved it, some of our regulars thought it was one of the best pantos we have done for a long time.”
- Jacki Dann, Chairperson, Prestwood Theatre Club
To check out Ben’s Panto Scripts CLICK HERE
“Ben Crocker's script provided a strong basis for our pantomime production. With good jokes and a fresh approach to the story, whilst still utilising traditional pantomime techniques, it was a pleasure to work on. The script explained physical gags well, helping our rehearsal process. I’d be keen to work on another of his Panto scripts.”
- Dominique Gerrard, Director of Dick Whittington & His Cat, Harrow Arts Centre
To check out Ben’s Dick Whittington & His Cat Script CLICK HERE
“Just a quick email to say we’ve had tremendous fun in Inkberrow with Camelot the Panto, both in rehearsal and during the run. It’s such a great script! We’ve had four great shows, all enthusiastically received by our audiences – even a standing ovation on the last night!”
- Keith Potts, Inkberrow Players
To check out Ben’s Camelot the Panto Script CLICK HERE
“Ben’s script of Cinderella gave us as a society a truly magical show. The pantomime was received with great enthusiasm by all age groups in the audience and proved to be lots of fun for the cast, both in rehearsal and on stage. Ben’s help in early preparation stages was invaluable to me as director and much appreciated, as was his approach to local changes in the script.”
- Simon C Field, Chair, LIDOS
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE

“I just wanted to write and say thank you for the card and for such a wonderful script. The Panto was a huge success with full houses every performance. I heard some people say that you could go to see a professional show and not see such a good performance (and I didn’t even have to pay them) Everybody who took part thoroughly enjoyed themselves.”
- Fran Paul, Chair, Coaley Amateur Dramatic Society
To check out Ben’s Panto Scripts CLICK HERE
“As first time panto producers and performers, we were feeling rather anxious – but Ben’s script turned out to be a cracker! The cast had a whale of a time throughout rehearsals, enjoying the clever humour and the way the script could be ‘localised’ to appeal to our country Aussie audiences. The results were packed performances, loads of laughs for everyone – no matter what their age in the audience – and a reputation to live up to! “What’s the next one?” we keep being asked! Thank goodness Ben has plenty of goodies to choose from! Roll on next year!”
- Lydia Smith, Director of Cinderella + the Cast, Mudgee Performing Arts, New South Wales, Australia
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE
“You will be pleased to learn that the Lions Club’s performance of Dick Whittington scripted by your good self, proved a great success. The cast and the Club very much appreciated your card received on the eve of the first public performance. which proved a great fillip to everyone involved. The opinion of the public was that it was the best pantomime the Club had done.
We did of course add bits of our own and the famous Liskeard Lions male dance troupe came up trumps as usual with four great routines which brought the house down.
Thanks for all your help. We are now looking forward to next year. Have you done a script for Jack and the Beanstalk?”
- Martin Symons, Liskeard Lions Club
To check out Ben’s Dick Whittington & His Cat Script CLICK HERE
“We found Ben’s Cinderella to be an excellent script. There were plenty of similar alternatives but this delivered the best bang for its buck! It’s pacey, witty and very funny. We’d never done a pantomime before, but Ben was always available to help with advice and it went down brilliantly with our audience. Everyone had a fantastic time.”
- Jack Chandler, President, London South Bank University Drama Society
To check out Ben’s Cinderella Script (Version 1) CLICK HERE or (Version 2) CLICK HERE
“Wow! What a great script! The Panto was a great hit from all angles and we had so many comments about how good it was. The cast never got tired of the script and the audiences loved it.
Being English, I know pantos very well, however it is a different case altogether for the local Canadians! So, having looked at quite a few of the publishers available online, your script really glowed with the essence of panto and every element that is expected in it. Its quality content made me sure I could share the true joy of panto with Canadians and local ‘Brits’ alike! Being able to free read it online was absolutely marvelous and has made it so easy for me to choose ‘another cracker by Crocker’ for our next panto!”
- Lucynda Mills, Artistic Director, Cochrane Vision Theatre, Alberta, Canada
To check out Ben’s Panto Scripts CLICK HERE
“I have been asked to write on behalf of the Chairman, Committee and members of Phyl’s Follies here in Postbridge to congratulate and thank you for the wonderfully crafted script of ‘Dick Whittington & His Cat’. It worked extremely well for us with very little embellishment – if only all the scripts we have used in the past were as good!
We finished the last of seven highly successful performances last Saturday. In spite of our remote location, a scattered village population and the coincident cold spell, each performance was to a capacity audience of 90 and after every performance the audience left having laughed a good deal and full of praise for the show. The quality of the script was a key factor.
Thank you for making our production task so much easier this year. I’m sure we’ll be in touch again.”
- Joe Young (For Phyl’s Follies)
To check out Ben’s Dick Whittington & His Cat Script CLICK HERE
“Many thanks for allowing us to do ALADDIN. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the feedback from our audience has been ecstatic! Two months on the village is still talking about it – I’m sure that they’ll want to do one of your pantomimes again.”
- Janet Tourell, Director of Aladdin, Hadlow Down Variety Club
To check out Ben’s Aladdin Script CLICK HERE